Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bless this Home

A lot of things have changed :-) Check out the new and improved Fort.5 !

Interior design by JC Gervasio and Associates

Mission accomplished. Fort.5 is now complete, now, let the living in begin :-)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

LTJG is (WAS) Home !

Had to edit this entry -- haha , because I only got around to posting it now...

As posted in our Multiply site , http://www.pacua.multiply.com/ -- yes, the husband came home lastJune 10th, to be exact. It was the first time he saw the Fort.5 fully painted and furnished. I guess God really gave us the right timing, just when the kitchen cabinets were installed and when I finally decided to buy the "very dear" (read: expensive) frame I've been crushing on. So, Sam saw our home in its full glory. Ah, but still minus the BED! We still slept on the floor. The bed came much much later, but that's another story.
Like all other previous homecomings, I always felt that everything passed by in a blur. A flurry of breakfasts and 'missed activities' and very fast weekends. Sigh. I long for long days spent with the husband!
The day Sam arrived he scattered shells on the floor to surprise me, then we also invited my best friend Gladys and her family to have dinner with us (so Sam could meet the family, finally!). Some of Sam's college friends visited us too! We also had the chance to have a simple house blessing .. more about that later!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Last night I decided to take my "first solo drive" around the area. I went and visited my friend Kiel and her boys (and their ates, hehe) in their house! It was only a 5-10 minute drive away :-) Maybe less if I get more familiarized with the place.

She texted me the directions and yes, I was able to follow them! It was great catching up with Kiel and to see her two GROWING boys!

Another challenge for me was parking the car back at Fort.5 , where I should park it in reverse (I don't know how you call it, hehe basta ganun). Because if I park going forward, the underside of the front part of the car (doh, whatever you call it, I'm such a girl!) scrapes the installed parking slot lock. I never liked parking in reverse because it takes too much effort for me!

The rain last night did not help. As I was trying for the 3rd time to 'shoot' the car in the parking slot, the back up car of one of our "Very Important Neighbors" arrived and waited for me to park so he can park as well. PRESSURE! Good thing he was patient !

The Fort Bus and other Modes of Transport

So I had my misadventure with the Gate 3 route, so I decided to try the Forbes/ McKinley route the other night. I was blessed with the presence of a friend who decided to go with me for the fun of it, (Thanks Mauster!) . The Fort Buses travel around the private area of the Fort and take people to and from EDSA.

We first boarded the WRONG BUS , where the driver so loudly pointed out that we have to get off and board the other bus. Blushing and laughing, we got off and went for the other bus. We didn't know that there were several routes! We had dinner at Market! Market! (Ineng's!), had a bit of kwento while we waited for Maui's fiance. I wanted to look for the jeep that would take me to Fort.5 but they offered to just take me home that night (Doy had a car) and told me that the jeeps will always be there :-)

So, Friday (a holiday!) became my official public transport exploration day. I now know the jeep route (and have decided that the McKinley route is probably the best , maybe not quicker - but it feels safer!) , and now believe that Market! Market! is a nice mall after all. I just have to figure out if these modes of transport are available 24/7 or would there be a certain hour that it is difficult to get home? hmmm.

Sunday, my dad arrived from CDO so I had more confidence to take the car and drive around with somebody guiding me. The one way streets of the Fort would take some getting used to :-( Good thing it's not yet crowded.

Fort neighbors! Who's up for a drive one weekend? ... Just so I can familiarize myself with the place!! I really need to learn and I don't want to keep on bugging my dad hehe. You just make sure you're insured for the ride with me ;-) hehe.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Took the cab to work today. I was so lucky that a cab was just right outside the building!

Cost me P85.00, hmm steeper than I thought! But hey, I got here in the office in less than 30 minutes!